Willowridge Hollow
This is the page where you can explore our town virtually. Take a trip without leaving the comfort of your home.
Click around on the map to find out details on our favorite places. Doc’s Farm, WQLF radio station, the Diner, and McTafferty’s are just a few of the featured locations. Each one will give you a little something for paying attention. For example, I hear McTafferty’s is giving away a tasty recipe if you find their email. Even DJ Rockin-Ron from WQLF has graced us with his presence. You never know what kind of zany morning show routine he has going on (just go along with him, the 80s were wild).
There are also a few hidden goodies for you to find on the map. Can you unlock all of our secrets? (Hint: there are 12 altogether)
Have fun and enjoy our weird and wonderful little town of Willowridge Hollow. I’m sure you’ll make it out okay. Just, as always, stay out of the woods at night.
Local Historian,
Tyler Patrick